episode: 63

Managing your Investment Portfolio Through a Recession

November 7, 2022

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Investment strategies through an economic recession

From media outlets to friends and coworkers, chances are you’ve heard lots of buzz about a recession and the big question “Is a recession coming?”. The truth is however, that a lot of uncertainty remains, and we can’t predict if or when we will enter a recession in Canada.

As an Empowered Investor, it’s essential to understand the current economic context and how a recession could impact your investment portfolio. As financial advisors, we are here to help you move forward confidently and today are discussing the looming possibility of a recession and how you can successfully manage your money through uncertain financial times.

In this episode, Marcelo and Keith talk about the defining factors of a recession, what it means for Canadian investors, what we can learn from past recessions (such as the 2008 Recession), the relationship between recessions and inflation, our recommendations for winning investment strategies through recessions, and so much more.

Thank you for listening!

 What is a recession?

  • The definition of a recession and critical indicators that must be present (2:37)
  • Why a recession wasn’t declared despite declining GDP growth in the United States this year (4:14)
  • What it means for the stock market to be a leading indicator of the economy (5:58)
  • Major economic themes and risks we’re facing in 2022 (9:08)
  • Historical trends around stock market performance before, during, and after a recession (11:58)
  • Timing and why you shouldn’t wait for the market to improve before you invest (14:18)
  • Coming to terms with being in a recession (16:48)
  • The relationship between inflation and recessions (17:54)
  • Why it’s not worth it to trade through recessions (19:08)
  • The psychological aspect of living through difficult financial times (21:32)
  • Favorable market trends right now (27:03)
  • Top five considerations for managing your investment portfolio through recessions (28:19)
  • And much more!

Meet your hosts

Keith Matthews

Keith Matthews

Partner & Portfolio Manager

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Marcelo Taboada

Marcelo Taboada

Associate Portfolio Manager

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Lawrence Greenberg

Lawrence Greenberg

Associate Portfolio Manager

Thanks for Listening!

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