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Hugh Campbell
Death & Taxes: What you need to know.

Death & Taxes: What you need to know.

In this episode, Ruben and Hugh talk about the role of the executor of the estate, why it’s important to work with legal and financial professionals for estate planning, the implications of not having a proper will, how different types of investments are treated after death, why the winding up of an estate takes so long, and so much more!

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Voluntary Disclosures: You can run but you can’t hide

Voluntary Disclosures: You can run but you can’t hide

With increasing global connectedness, the world today is smaller than it’s ever been. Countries are coming together to share information in a global trend towards greater transparency and with that, undeclared assets are much more likely to be discovered. So if you’ve found yourself in a situation with undeclared assets, what can you do to get on the right side of things?

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The Empowered Investor Book

As an advisor who has studied and implemented the principles of successful investing with clients, I have witnessed the powerful and meaningful difference they can make in people’s lives. My hope is that this book will inspire you to build a better investment experience for you and your family.

Request your complimentary copy.